Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Department of Information Technology
Course Syllabus
1. Name of the Course: Image and Video Processing
2. LTP structure of the course: 2-1-1
3. Objective of the course:
4. Outcome of the course:
5. Course Plan:
Unit | Topics for Coverage | |
Component 1 | Unit 1 | Digital Image Fundamentals‐ Simple image model, digital image formation, sampling, quantization, resolutions and representation, relationship among pixels, types of digital images. Color Image Processing: Color Representation, Chromaticity Diagram and Color Spaces, types of digital imaging and application areas. Enhancement‐ Point Processing: Contrast Stretching, Power‐law and Gamma Transformation. Histogram Processing: Histogram Equalization and Matching. |
Unit 2 | Filtering and Restoration‐ Degradation function and Noise Models, Spatial Domain Filtering: Correlation and Convolution, Smoothing Linear and Nonlinear Filters: Mean and Median Filters, Adaptive Filtering, Sharpening Linear and Nonlinear Filters: Derivative, Laplacian, Unsharp Masking, High‐boost Filtering. Frequency Domain Filtering: Filtering: Low‐pass (Smoothing) & High‐Pass (Sharpening), Ideal, Butterworth and Gaussian Filtering, Unsharp Masking and High‐Boost Filtering, Homomorphic Filtering, Periodic Noise Reduction and Inverse Filtering & Wiener Filtering. | |
Component 2 | Unit 3 | Edges, Lines and Boundary Detection‐ First and Second Order Edge Operators, Multi‐scale Edge Detection, Canny Edge Detection Algorithm, Hough Transform: Line and Edge Detection, Morphological Operations and Application: Boundary, Skelton, Convex‐Hull, Thinning, Pruning etc. Segmentation & Feature Extraction: Model‐based and probabilistic methods and Image Classification Optimal and Multilevel Thresholding, Gray Image Segmentation, Watershed Algorithm. |
Unit 4 | Compression: Lossy and Lossless compression techniques, JPEG, JPEG2000 and Variants, Introduction to video processing, Compression standards and formats (MPEG & H.XXX), Video Streaming. |
6. Text Book: Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition) by Willam K. Pratt, John Willey & Sons
7. References: