Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad C:\Users\IIITA\Desktop\Indian_Institute_of_Information_Technology,_Allahabad_Logo.png

Department of Information Technology

Course Syllabus

1. Name of the Course: Research Methodology

2. LTP structure of the course: 2-1-1

3. Objective of the course:  Learning to conduct research properly

4. Outcome of the course: 

5. Course Plan:


Topics for Coverage  

Component 1

Unit 1

Research attitude & Choosing Research Problem.

Unit 2

Different types of scientific writing (thesis, paper, review, proposal, CV, Cover letter, popular article)

Component  2

Unit 3

Communicating Science (research journalism, lecture, poster)

Unit 4

IPR, Plagiarism, use of computers, search engines, language and grammar, answering in interviews , Basic Statistical Concepts

6. Text Book:

  1. Alley, M., 2003, The craft of Scientific presentations:Critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid, Springer, New York
  2. Gustavii, B, 2003, How to write and illustrate a scientific paper, Cambridge University press, Cambridge
  3. Matthews J.R. , Bowen J.M. and Matthews R.W.  2000, Successful scientific writing , a step-by-step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences, Cambridge University press, Cambridge
  4. Swales .M. & Feak C.B. 2000, English in today’s Research world, A writing guide, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbour
  5. Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner′s Guide to Doing a Research Project Second Edition  by  Uwe Flick   (Author) ISBN-10:  1446294242
  6. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3rd Edition, by William M. K. Trochim  and  James P. Donnelly ; ISBN-13:  978-1592602919 ; ISBN-10:  1592602916
  7. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th Edition, by John W. Creswell ; ISBN-13:  978-1452226101 ; ISBN-10:  1452226105
  8. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation 4th Edition, by Sharan B. Merriam and  Elizabeth J. Tisdell ; ISBN-13:  978-1119003618 ; ISBN-10:  111900361X
  9. Doing Your Research Project (Open Up Study Skills) 5th Edition, by Judith Bell ;Paper back (2010)
  10. How to Keep Your Research Project on Track Edited by Keith Townsend, Mark N.K. Saunders
  11. Lectures on Research Methodology by Samiran Mandal, NITTTR, Kolkata (on line)

7. References:

  1. On line tutorial for all aspects of scientific writing and presentation, http://www 2 /course content CSS/CSSCoursecontent 3.html
  2. Online Writing Lab Purdue University, USA ,
  3. Ingenta    (Free  literature searching of academic and professional journals )