Dr. Muneendra Ojha 
Assistant Professor

Courses Taught: Introduction to Computer Programming, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Python Programming, Formal Languages, and Automata Theory, Compiler Design, Introduction to Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining

Research Interests:

Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Video Analytics, Semantic Web, Multi-Objective Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Multi-Agent Systems


Email: muneendra [AT] iiita [DOT] ac [DOT] in

Address: 4317, CC2
Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad
Devghat, Jhalwa,
Allahabad 211 015, (UP) INDIA

Phone: +91-532-2922264

Personal Home Page:



Department of IT Timetable for July-December 2024 session:
BTech Timetable
MTech Timetable